Scholarship - VAPSS
The Dr. William J. Edmonds Memorial (VAPSS) Scholarship
Scholarship Amount: $500
Funds are to be set aside each year from the VAPSS budget and supplemented by donations from VAPSS members. Donations made to this fund are set aside and earmarked specifically for the scholarship.
The Dr. William J. Edmonds Memorial (VAPSS) scholarship will be awarded to a student in the spring each year.
Student Eligibility:
The recipient must be an undergraduate student attending a university or college identified as eligible by the VAPSS Board of Directors and generally with a minimum of one semester remaining prior to graduation (will graduate not earlier than December of that year).
They should have a strong interest in a career in Soil Science as demonstrated by successful completion of soil science classes, and through such activities as participation on the soil judging team, being employed or having an internship related to soil science, engaging is special soils related research projects, etc.
Competitive recipients should demonstrate strong academic performance as well as team and leadership skills.
The recipient must be active in the VAPSS activities and meetings. Prepared or agreement to prepare an article on Student activities/thoughts for two or more of the VAPSS Newsletters.
Application for Scholarship:
Students interested in applying for the scholarship can do so by submitting a letter to the VAPSS Board through the Executive Secretary requesting consideration accompanied by their resume and academic record.
Applications must be received by January 15th each year.
Angie Vann, Executive Secretary
P.O. Box 97
Maurertown, VA 22644
Selection: VAPSS Board of Directors and faculty at the University or Colleges identified as eligible by the VAPSS Board of Directors will jointly select the scholarship recipient from the list of applicants.
Initially established by Alex. C. Blackburn, CPSS

Donate to the Bill Edmonds Scholarship Fund awarding a $500 scholarship each year.